Cute Maltese puppies
Puppies bichone maltesse for sale he is very friendly with dogs and children puppies have all vaccines and microchip up to date he is very playful and loves to cuddle if you are interested let me know puppy are looking for their new owner. they are very playful little things and they are
whatsapp: +44 7467781760
atmosphere:+49 15778530869
- categorie: Honden
- Adverteerder: Zakelijk
- Type honden : Beagles, Bassets en Lopende honden
- Geslacht: Meerdere dieren
- Type aanbieder: Fokker | Professioneel
- Herkomst: Nederland
- Gechipt: Ja
- Geregistreerd: Ja
- Leeftijd: 8 tot 15 weken
- Stamboom: Ja
- Gevaccineerd: CDV (hondenziekte)
- Ontwormd: Ja
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